Friday, May 12, 2006

Conan was good times yesterday, even though we waited 3 hours in the rain/cold to get in. We were seated in the back of the main floor and listened to the sounds of Interpol, the Gorillaz, Wolf Parade, the Clientele, Maximo Park, the Von Bondies, and other indie favorites that some Conan assistant producer must be into. Conan was a little hard to hear over the crowd's endless cheering, but funny nonetheless. A highlight was new character "The Sears Tower in Sears clothing," which later bodysurfed over the crowd. John Mayer wasn't too bad actually- he played a couple jazzy numbers instead of his crap pop fare, which leads me to believe that jazz/blues is his true calling and stuff like "Your Body Is a Wonderland" just got him the big bucks.

Also, while we were waiting in the rain, the Masturbating Bear came over to say hi!


Brad K said...

>Also, while we were waiting in >the rain, the Masturbating Bear >came over to say hi!

damn, did you get pictures?? i LOVE the masturbating bear. screw seeing Conan, meeting that bear would've been the highlight of my year.

I'm praying for an appearance by Triumph on the final show tonight. I'd also kill to see a bit with Pimpbot cruising around the South Side with Mr. T, but I won't be holding my breath for that one.

Nicole said...

No pictures, I was very poorly positioned :(

liz said...

I'm sooooooo jealous!!!