Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ah, how about that. I was almost hoping they wouldn't review this album at all.


Mike H. said...

So much for any hope that the upcoming Wrens show might not be packed. Couldn't they have waited until, say, April 30 to review this?

Maybe everyone forgot about the Wrens now and will go home after the Tapes set (a la CYHSY / National).

I'm still pissed that I didn't see the Wrens show in Evanston earlier this month. $7!

Mike H. said...

Also -- is it just me or is PF tossing around the Best New Music tag with semi-regularity these days. A couple of years ago it seems like we got may one a month at most, now it's 2-3.

Nicole said...

I agree on all counts!