Thursday, May 15, 2003

I had a really weird dream last night. I was at some sort of graduation talent show, and Liz and I decided to do a hip-hop/rap song. So we had the lyrics written down for each of our parts (I remember the first line of mine had the number 21 in it) and went up on stage to practice before the big show. It was awful, and Danny Gusavic was there to tell us it wasn't very good. But Liz and I kept practicing our rhymes. There were also separate bathrooms for the undergraduates and graduates.
In response, I've taken this as a sign and started downloading a bunch of hip-hop.
Also later in my weird dream-filled night, I dreamt that I was on a giant hill with hundreds of people when a bunch of boulders started coming towards us and we had to run away down the hill. The police told us it was a SARS attack from another nation. What the hell does that mean??
I think I should just stop sleeping.

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