Monday, June 26, 2006

I should also add some of the things from this weekend I could have done without:

1. The emcees that "introduced" the bands. Apparently they were from some Vice TV pseudo-reality show, but they were obnoxious idiots that didn't seem to understand why everyone in the audience groaned when they got on stage, booed them and made constant calls for them to shut up. Seeing grown men in diapers, ripped up batman suits, tighty-whities and speedos humping each other on stage for 10 minutes is not necessary when you're waiting to see Jose Gonzalez- doesn't really set the tone for some moving folk music.
2. Sparks, the new alcoholic energy drink that sponsored the festival, is officially the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. It looks equally gross. I'd rather drink cough syrup.
3. The "9/11 was an inside job" guy that terrorized everyone in the crowd on Saturday and was later seen yelling his conspiracy theory at the cars on Ashland at the end of the night. I didn't see him on Sunday, so I'm guessing he ended up in detox somewhere along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Vice guys Super-Sucked. It was a major downer every time they showed up. I love weird humor, but there was nothing at all funny about what they were doing and I didn't meet one person that felt differently. Didn't mind the Sparks though!