Thursday, May 26, 2005

If you didn't already know (or just don't care), fembot Carrie Underwood won American Idol last night. This take on it by a writer who watched AI for the first time is hilarious. (Note: you'll have to watch a short commercial if you aren't a member).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my experience those who "don't care" actually care VERY DEEPLY about being perceived as not caring. Which to my mind is a big waste of time and an uncool pose to strike.

Carrie Underwood, native of Oklahoma, has an exceptional singing voice and a taste in music that I personally do not share. But American Idol is (obviously) NOT ABOUT THE's an elaborate experiment in demographic pandering, and is actually super-ultra-fascinating as such! Carrie threaded the needle by combining R&B-style vocal runs with big-voiced country music, thus making her appealing to the largest demographic, thus making her the next American Idol. Democracy in action!