Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Last night I dreamt that Sufjan Stevens was in town, and we were hanging out. Actually, I think I was listening to his music and he magically appeared, or something. In my dream, he was the coolest, funniest guy ever, a total blast to hang out with. We saw a poster for some upcoming Metro shows, and he saw one of the lineups and was like, "Christian music? Who'd want to listen to that!" all poking light fun at himself and all. What a cool dream version of Sufjan. I have a feeling he's not quite that fun in real life.

I was out late last night and didn't get a chance to post the podcast for yesterday's show, so expect it up sometime tonight.


Anonymous said...

Dreaming about Sufjan is the first step toward becoming a true SujFan.

Rob said...

It's the first step? What in the world are the second third and fourth...?

Anonymous said...

Well, of course, first the dreams come. Second, you track down and buy the Superman, blank and balloon versions of Illinois. Third, you start insisting you hear a difference between them. The fourth step (admitted difficult [especially for you, rob]) is to get a rumor on Pitchfork that you're pregnant with his baby. But you already knew this because you knew there were four.