Wednesday, November 05, 2003

This next semester is going to be huge for cool music stuff coming to Madison. I just got out of the Union Music Committee meeting, and we discussed some bands that have potential to be booked next semester, including:
Enon/ the Wrens (The new Wrens album is FABULOUS, check it out)
Single Frame (They wrote me back and want to play in February! I could potentially book a band by myself! If their price isn't too imposing)
The Books (apparently they have only played one live show EVER, as they are a sample-based electronic band- but they said they are "working on their live show")
I highly suggest checking out the albums of any of those bands, most of which recently put out albums in the past month.

Then for WSUM's Party in the Park, we're looking at having a "Party in the Dark" afterwards, with record label showcases at different venues around Madison that night. How cool would that be?

In the meantime, I have barely studied for my two exams coming up. I'm glad I know where my priorities are.

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