Saturday, April 19, 2008

Radio Show Update

I've been away for my show for the last two weeks, and unfortunately, I'm going to be away for another two. All this traveling has left me ill, so I'm taking a break this Monday so as not to infect the next DJ. Then another exciting work trip to Dallas and Houston will keep me away from my show on the 28th.

Luckily, unlike in past years when I take a summer hiatus, I've decided to keep my Monday night time slot this summer, but will alternate every other week with another DJ to keep my summer activities flexible. I figured that with the impending change to Loyola occuring July 1st, it can't hurt to stay "on the radar" by being on the summer schedule (though I maintain my position that the changeover will not have any immediate or even short-term effect on my show, an unpopular position, I realize). The summer schedule starts May 4, when I will back and hopefully not too rusty!

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